Hoooooooweeeee, at Gottagged we always end up being surprised and rewarded with nice life things, today we introduce Olorato Major, a beautiful lady from Gauteng with an astonishing amount of passion and charisma, she is here to tell us all about who, where and what she is.
Miss Major, thank you for the opportunity we are very pleased that we could get a slot in your busy schedule. Without further ado, who are you?
OM: I’m an upcoming model, an ex-pageant queen and a force to be reckoned with. I’m 19 years old yet I’ve come to achieve and understand more than those older than me. I’m a threat to society in terms of not conforming to trends and being indoctrinated is not my cup of tea.
GT: Interesting, it seems as though we have a rebel in our midst. With regards to the modeling industry, what techniques have you utilized to come up the ranks?
OM: By simply being myself. I’m not the tallest, so I make up for that by being quick on my feet, well informed and genuine. I don’t say what people want to hear, I state my opinion and quite frankly the industry needs that.
GT: Okay, well I guess dynamite does come in small packages folks and this lady here is reminiscent of that and more. You have obviously won a few competitions, what inspired you to get involved in the industry, when did it all start?
OM: Back when I was 6 years old, my mom got me into pageants. Back then I had no idea what I was doing or what it was, I just remember getting dressed up and spending Saturday’s with my mom. I loved it. I grew up loving it, because back then I had no idea of the hidden skeletons. Going into my teenage years, I was on and off. Until I made a huge come back in 2013 winning one of the biggest pageants and I’ve been escalating since then. Well sort of, I’ve recently decided to stop doing pageants and get a really good agency and work on making myself a brand.
GT: Gottagged likes to call individuals like you an inspiration, it’s not often we are in the presence of forward thinking individuals. Well done Miss Major we applaud you.
We at Gottagged have this preconceived notion that models are super rich, live a lavish lifestyle and have hordes of fans chasing after them? Is our assumption correct?
OM: No, not necessarily no. There are tons of models that I don’t even know of, everyone you see on TV advertising something or in magazines, billboards ect are models, but we don’t know their names. If you have the X-factor and the right management and personality, you can make a life out of modeling and live the lavish lifestyle but it’s not easy at all to get there and stay up there. I’m still climbing the ladder and I find myself falling off and starting all over again.
GT: Every aspect of life has challenges and we are sure that the modeling industry has a few too, what challenges have you faced as a young black individual in a predominantly white industry?
OM: I mean i think I’ve been through it all and It’s just beginning. It’s unfortunate that people will always be people, the past will never just die out so easily and even so for people in my generation “born frees” we still feel the wrath of racism and unbiased jurisdictions. I used to think something was wrong with me and thought being black was an anchor in achieving certain things, I then realized how stupid that thought is, I’m so honored and blessed to be black for countless reasons and I feel sorry for those who can’t or won’t be able to look past that and give me work, because they’ll never be able to meet or get to know the amazing person I am.
GT: It’s a pity that individuals like yourself still have to experience this onslaught of unnecessary prejudice , we hope that one day soon people will look past skin color and realize talent for what it is irrespective of color.
We have seen older models move into the entrepreneurial sphere of life and end up being really successful. Do you have any plans in the pipeline to follow suite?
OM: Of course, I’m forever thinking business, I see opportunities everywhere I go, and I want to be build an empire, a legacy, to inspire and change what I can. Besides uplifting the youth, I want to start a revolution of what a “model” should be I want to spread an epidemic of well informed, ambitious and hungry children across our nation and one day the whole world.
GT: Your wisdom is far beyond measure, we see a bright future. With regards to your modeling academy, what are your core services? And how do you improve an individual who may be looking at getting on the runway?
OM: Everyone wants to be a model nowadays. They think it’s easy and all you have to do is look the part but that era is changing. The industry doesn’t want to work with air heads any more. They want personalities and intelligent young woman and men. So I give the services of not only teaching you how to pose, walk the ramp or runway, but I mentor you on how to behave and deal with certain situations, I try to instill hunger and ambition in the younger ones, but most importantly I get them involved in their communities, open their minds and hearts to what is hidden from them and show them humility goes a long way. I was so nervous about opening my own school (because of my age and my skin color), but I remember how I didn’t have the privilege of attending a modeling school that motivated me, gave me individual attention and had my best interests at heart. I have a skill and I want to pass it on, I don’t care about the credit or the money, I care about correcting ill-informed children.
GT: Your career has been on a steady rise, what pageants have you won and how did it feel to be a winner?
OM: I’ve won quite a number of pageants the latest being Miss Million Dollar of which I handover my crown in November this year. I always feel so undeserving, I’ve never been one to toot my own horn and I’m humbled by every win because it goes to show that despite all my flaws I’m worthy. I strongly believe that titles should be used to do good for their communities and get involved with charities, not only for show but from the goodness of your heart.
GT: Giving back is always a priority at Gottagged, and we like the fact that you go out of your way to give back. Should we be looking forward to having you as an entrant in the Miss South Africa pageant, or have you decided not to give the other ladies a knockout challenge?
OM: *laughs* a knockout challenge you say. At this point I can’t give you a certain answer, I’ve come to believe that one doesn’t need a title to make an impact in the world. But I grew up wanting to enter, so I guess you’ll just have to wait and see if I enter.
GT: We have officially reserved our seat for that day and we are looking forward to it, we know you will do us proud.
GT: Since we are looking at future goals, what other goals have you got in mind?
OM: Obtaining my Law degree, initially I wanted to study engineering, but then I realized I need to use my character traits to the best of my abilities, and being an advocate one day is just fitting. My other goals are, becoming a super model *laughs* it sounds weird saying that but it’s true and also breaking some barriers in the industry and society for the coming generation.
GT: A beauty with brains, how we wish we could encounter more individuals like you, folks there you have it. Olorato Major in the flesh, in short you can call her the Girl from Ipanema, tanned, young and lovely. We are inspired to have spent time with you Miss Major and we also look forward to featuring you as a Miss South African candidate….But lastly, where can people get hold of you? Are you on any of the social media networks?
OM: They can follow me on Twitter: @OloratoMajor, on Instagram: Olorato_Major, on Facebook: Olorato Major and my Facebook page: Olorato Major – Miss Million Dollar.